
Friday, September 30, 2011

Blind Leading The Blind

A year ago, in August of 2010, I began my adventure with making animations for SecondLife and Open Sim virtual worlds. I downloaded this wonderful - FREE!! - program called QAvimator and was off and running. A very intuitive program, it was a pleasure getting my feet wet and in no time at all I had "something".

So, a year has passed and while I do not consider my self any kind of expert at animations, I decided I would share what information and pointers I have garnered through that year.

First off, where to download the program: QAvimator

There are screen shots there and even a small tutorial. There are a number of tuts on Youtube also and various other places on the web. I won't attempt to duplicate others' work in that aspect, but merely to add here the things I have learned and collected that sometimes seem a bit obscure.

So keep your eyes peeled for little bits of this and that to find themselves here.